Membership Information
There are three main classes of membership in the Anchorage Bar Association:
Voting Membership
The Voting Membership is available to any Anchorage area attorneys who are admitted to practice in Alaska and practicing within the boundaries of the Municipality of Anchorage. The annual dues for Voting Membership are $65.00. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 and dues are not prorated. Voting Members are entitled to certain membership benefits. If you are a first year attorney with an Alaska Bar number or a first year law clerk, then your first year with the Anchorage Bar Association is FREE!
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is available to attorneys licensed to practice in Alaska, but practicing outside the Municipality of Anchorage. The annual dues for Associate Membership are $50.00. Associate Members are generally entitled to the same membership benefits as Voting Members, except the right to vote.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Membership is available to second-year law clerks, law office staff, and other non-attorney legal professionals who wish to participate in certain group benefits available to Anchorage Bar members. The annual dues for Affiliate Membership are $25.00.
Become a member
Dues are paid and membership runs on a calendar year basis, January 1 to December 31. Dues are not pro-rated.
Mail in your application
Payment by VISA®, Mastercard®, or by check, is accepted for the payment of dues. To download the membership form please select the link below.
Download ABA Membership Application (PDF)